by SEO Specialist | Oct 26, 2020 | blog
What You Need to Know About Google Analytics V4? Earlier this month, Google made some changes to Google Analytics that can help users review their ROI related dimensions and metrics to their online marketing channels and campaigns. Unifying Apps and Websites Through...
by SEO Specialist | Oct 26, 2020 | blog
What’s the impact of mobile-first indexing for my SEO? It has been a few years since mobile-first indexing was introduced. Mobile-first indexing refers to Google crawling the web using a smartphone (Googlebot).From Google analysis, most sites shown in search results...
by SEO Specialist | Oct 6, 2020 | blog
Facebook Marketing Strategies To Increase Your Online Sales The introduction of Facebook has shown many of us the power of social media. Not only can we check up on our loved ones through Facebook, but we can also stay in touch with local events and happenings....
by SEO Specialist | Sep 8, 2020 | blog
How to Use Robot Meta Tags and X-Robots Tag Specifications on Your Website Set up to Show Your Content in Google Properly You’ve probably heard before that your website must communicate with two audiences to perform optimally. These two audiences are users on your...
by SEO Specialist | Jul 27, 2020 | blog
Google is Preparing for Mobile-First Indexing: Are You Ready for What this Means for Your Website? Google has been working on mobile-first indexing functionality for the past few years. Mobile-first indexing means that Google will use a condensed version of your site...
by SEO Specialist | Jun 29, 2020 | blog
Google Launches New Business Messages Capabilities with Google Maps and Search The majority of customers are impressed when organizations make it easy to find information related to their products and services. They also appreciate it when they have easy access to the...