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Internet Marketing Case Study for Packing Supplies & Moving Boxes Companies

Why is a Healthy Website so Important to Business Growth?

Zigma’s relationship with Boxshop dates back to 2014. When we first started working together, Boxshop’s website needed a major overhaul, visually and technically. Boxshop’s business model depends heavily on online sales, so a poorly designed website was a huge detriment.

What is the Impact of High Quality Content on a Website?

In 2014, Boxshop’s website had a lot of problems. You will see that it was difficult to navigate, and there were a number of technical errors that made information challenging for users to see or find. The e-commerce portion of the website did not function reliably, which had a negative impact on sales.


If potential customers cannot find (or buy) what they need quickly, they are likely to give up and move on to another site. For Boxshop, this was more serious than a high bounce rate (users leaving their site), it was also missed opportunities for sales.

Some other deficiencies that Zigma addressed when they started working with Boxshop were low keyword rankings for the industry, and the overall quality of the website content. Through an in-depth consultation, Zigma determined 19 keywords that Boxshop needed to improve their search engine ranking to attract more leads and potential customers. In 2014, Boxshop ranked between pages two and five for these keywords on major search engines…far too low for users to find their website.

High quality content serves two main purposes; it makes it much easier for users to find information and products to make purchasing decisions, and it can also include keywords through well-written website content blog posts, frequently asked questions or videos to improve a company’s search engine ranking.

How does Zigma Promote Safe, Secure Websites?

One of the drawbacks of having a high ranking website is that it can become a target for hackers. When this happened to Boxshop’s website in 2017, the team at Zigma used their technical knowledge to make the website safe and secure again in 2 days through proper coding procedures and in-depth monitoring and reporting; on a biweekly basis, Zigma sends Boxshop a comprehensive report outlining any malware injection attacks, SQL injections or any other threats to the safety of the website. There have been no website security issues for Boxshop since this occurred.

Fast forward to 2019, and you can see a world of difference in Boxshop’s website from five years ago. Not only is the visual difference a complete transformation, these changes have resulted in a professional online presence, e-commerce functionality and higher sales. It has been a pleasure to play a role in Boxshop’s business growth and success.

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