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Frequently Asked Questions About Internet Marketing

1. What kind of online marketing is the best?

To answer this question, it depends on the client. Firstly, what is the client’s goal? The goal must fit the online marketing strategy.

For example, if someone is looking for more leads with a limited budget, we can start with social media marketing and display marketing because the goal, strategy and budget complement each other. We will concentrate on approaching our client’s target audience.

If the client’s budget allows for search engine advertising, this allows us to secure more leads with a higher cost per acquisition. Search engine optimization (SEO) is another marketing channel that can take time, especially if the client is depending on organic (unpaid) traffic to their website.

The best online marketing strategy will look different for each client. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the client’s goal(s), budget and target audience.

2. What is Internet marketing?

Any marketing related activity that takes place online falls into the category of Internet marketing. Social media marketing and SEO are types of online marketing.

A common misconception about Internet marketing is that it is the same as digital marketing. Internet marketing is a type of digital marketing. There are many different types of digital marketing, including television and radio.

3. What does online marketing do?

A comprehensive online marketing strategy is capable of helping businesses reach and engage their online audiences through online marketing tools, such as their website, social media platforms and pay per click (PPC) advertising campaigns.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet marketing?

We may be somewhat biased, but Internet marketing has a lot of positive benefits. The advantages of Internet marketing for businesses include:

  • Cost – Internet marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing methods
  • Accessibility – there is no limit to how many people you can market to (e.g. a website is accessible to all)
  • Geographic reach – skilled Internet marketers can select the optimal/targeted area to advertise to increase leads and website traffic
  • No materials are required – everything is online; with good content and effective strategies using search engines and other sources, you can share your message as far and wide as you please

The main disadvantage of Internet marketing is competition. With billions of websites online, it is getting harder and harder to stay ahead of the pack. That’s why it is best to seek an expert in this field to help you meet your goals because it is a very effective way to grow and expand a business.

5. Which Internet marketing tools are the best?

Similar to our response to question one, the best Internet marketing tools will differ from client to client depending on their goal(s).

A successful Internet marketer stays current with the latest tools in the industry for different purposes like SEO (e.g. Ahref, SEMrush, Market Samurai), keyword analysis (Google Keyword Planner and Trends) and PPC/paid advertising (Google’s tools for advertisers to analyze cost, bidding, searches, etc.). A skilled Internet marketer will also know how to create effective display ads and motion graphics.

6. What are the best Internet marketing techniques?

The best approach to determining effective Internet marketing techniques is to define Key Performance Indicators (KPI) at the start of a client relationship, and create a plan based on those indicators. As you can imagine, this will vary from client to client and business to business because no two businesses have the exact same goals.

For example, organic traffic is one of the best methods in your Internet marketing toolbox to improve SEO. However, using link building is not necessary because all projects need backlinks. So, if a marketer, starts building links without having technically sound, user friendly content on their website, this approach will not be effective.

7. What is an Internet marketing company?

An Internet marketing company is dedicated to helping business owners or individuals have a stronger online presence on the Internet by using tools like their website and social media platforms.

An Internet marketing company’s main objective is to promote a business or brand and its products or services online using Internet marketing services & strategies that help drive traffic, increase leads and boost sales.

8. How can Internet marketing help your business?

Working with an expert, you can implement the best Internet marketing strategy for your business to reach and engage your target audience, which can result in more qualified leads. Having more leads calling or emailing you interested in your products or services gives you an excellent opportunity to grow and expand your business.

9. How does Internet marketing benefit businesses?

An Internet marketing company will provide you with a strategy that results in more exposure and a stronger, more professional online presence tailored to your industry and marketing-related goals. With professionally written content and a technically sound, user friendly website, Internet marketing has the power to provide more qualified leads which can turn into clients.  If you are looking for Internet marketing expertise, the team at Zigma has the knowledge and experience to help you.

10.  How is Internet marketing success measured?

As described in question six, KPIs are customized to measure a company’s results related to specific goals. If you are trying to choose the right Internet marketing to promote your company, look for an Internet marketing company that measure items that impact your bottom line, like more inquiries by email, telephone or SMS. Be wary of businesses that define success (or charge you for) impressions or clicks because they are not the same as qualified leads contacting you.

11.  Why is Internet marketing important for your business?

An Internet marketing company will provide you with a strategy that results in more exposure and a stronger, more professional online presence tailored to your industry and marketing-related goals. With and with professionally written content and a technically sound, user friendly website, Internet marketing has the power to provide more qualified leads which can turn into clients. will provide you with more qualified leads. If this is something you are looking for Internet marketing expertise, the team at Zigma has the knowledge and experience to help you, then a professional Internet marketing like Zigma will be the best choice for you!

As described in question six, KPIs are customized to measure a company’s results related to specific goals. If you are trying to choose the right Internet marketing to promote your company, look for an Internet marketing company that measure items that impact your bottom line, like more inquiries by email, telephone or SMS. Be wary of businesses that define success (or charge you for) impressions or clicks because they are not the same as qualified leads contacting you.  The success usually measured by the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) many of the business is looking to have more enquires by email, phone, SMS or chat. A good Internet marketing will report on your KPI not impressions and clicks!

In 2019, one of the best ways to build credibility and engagement for your business is through Internet marketing.

A skilled Internet marketing company will help you create a customized plan to promote your business using a combination of the right tools (e.g. social media platforms, PPC advertising or SEO) to engage your target audience.

It is important to choose an Internet marketing company to promote your business through strategies that will encourage clients to want to contact you with the intent of doing business with you. A reputable Internet marketing company will hold themselves accountable by measuring their performance against meaningful KPIs as well as consistently maintaining a high level of customer service.

Are you ready to find out about the best Internet marketing strategy for your business? Call us at (647) 556-6071 for a free consultation today.

Lead clients to your business with proven Internet marketing strategies.