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Social Media Optimization

Are Your Social Media Platforms Optimized to Attract Qualified Leads and New Clients?

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of using tools and communities to generate interest to increase the awareness of a product, service, brand or event. It helps establish and further brand awareness and promote positive relationships with potential and existing clients.

It is also important to remember that SMO refers to organic (unpaid) marketing strategies, and typically complements the channels and accounts a company has already established.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the process of using advertising (i.e. text, image, video, etc.) or sponsored messages to social network users based on their demographics (i.e. gender, age) and user characteristics (i.e. companies they follow, interests, etc.).

There is a cost associated with SMM depending on the type of advertising, such as cost per click (CPC) or cost per impression (CPI). SMM is suitable for new business looking to quickly build a social media presence, or established businesses seeking to increase their impact on social media.

Social media is extremely accessible. With so many people using at least one platform, including your ideal client, business owners should have an audience ready and willing to engage with them (and buy their products and services).

However, your target audience has so many choices of what to read and who to engage with on many different platforms that it can be hard to get their attention…and even tougher to build credibility and trust with them.

How Can I Make a Positive Impact on Social Media?

By applying successful internet marketing tactics to your business, Zigma can create a customized social media strategy that helps establish and maintain trust with potential and current clients, as well as boosts your conversion rate (the number of leads that contact you). We will guide you through deciding whether SMO or SMM, or a strategic combination of both types of marketing, is the best choice for your business.

Which Platform is Best for my Business?

Choosing the right platform (or platforms) for your business is an extremely important step that will determine the level of success, engagement, and business growth you have due to social media.

Devoting time and energy into the wrong social media channel, even if you post excellent content, will not give you the results you’re hoping for. For example, a photography business will reach fewer clients on LinkedIn, even if they use it effectively, than if they put the same time and effort into posting quality content on Instagram.

The team at Zigma will regularly post content aimed at growing and enhancing your online presence on the following platforms:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

Zigma’s team of graphic designers, web developers and content writers will use their knowledge and expertise to choose the best channels for your SMO and/or SMM campaign to make the most positive impact (and ROI).


Lead clients to your business with proven internet marketing strategies.

What is the ROI for Investing in a SMO Strategy?

Even though SMO focuses on organic/unpaid growth, there are ways to use social media to increase your income.

For example, for our retail clients, we can connect their e-commerce application directly to their Facebook and Instagram accounts to sell products on social media. This strategy, combined with posting high quality content regularly, can result in direct sales and further brand awareness.

If a client is not currently using e-commerce, we will recommend an appropriate application, and automate it seamlessly as a part of your social media channel. If a client comes to us with an existing, manual e-commerce application, we can work with the existing infrastructure, and integrate into the social media channel(s).

For some clients, a hybrid approach (using SMO and SMM) is the best choice.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the right SMO plan for your business!