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Internet Marketing for Roofers

What is Internet Marketing (aka Digital Marketing)?

Internet marketing is a powerful tool that allows businesses, including roofers, to reach their potential customers online. It is a commonly accepted concept that having an effective online presence is essential for any business looking to succeed. Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, involves using various strategies and techniques to promote products or services on the internet.

This includes optimizing websites for search engines, engaging with customers on social media platforms, creating valuable content, running online advertising campaigns, and utilizing email marketing, among other tactics. Internet marketing allows roofers to expand their reach, generate valuable leads, and increase their visibility in search engine rankings. By implementing effective online marketing strategies, roofers can connect with potential clients and establish themselves as industry leaders.

Connect with a roofer marketing expert


Benefits of Internet Marketing for Roofers

Internet marketing has become essential for roofers looking to grow their business in today’s online world. By leveraging the power of the internet, roofers can overcome traditional marketing obstacles and reach a wider audience of potential customers.

One of the key benefits of internet marketing for roofers is the ability to generate more leads. Through strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO) and targeted advertising campaigns, roofers can increase their online visibility and attract qualified leads. When potential customers are actively searching for roofing services using search engines, having a strong online presence can significantly increase their chances of being found.

Social media channels also play a crucial role in internet marketing for roofers. By actively engaging with potential customers on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, roofers can build brand awareness, showcase their expertise, and establish trust. Sharing valuable content and customer testimonials can provide social proof and further attract potential customers to their services.

By utilizing internet marketing strategies, roofers can overcome the marketing limitations of the past. With online searches and social media, roofers are no longer limited to traditional advertising methods, such as newspapers or billboards.


Establishing an Online Presence

In the current era of technology, it is essential for roofing businesses to establish a strong online presence. With the majority of potential customers turning to the internet to find roofing services, having a solid online presence allows roofers to effectively connect with their target audience and stand out from the competition. To establish an online presence, roofers need to utilize various internet marketing strategies. This includes creating a user-friendly and visually appealing website that showcases their services and expertise. Optimizing the website with relevant keywords and implementing search engine optimization (SEO) tactics will help improve visibility in search engine rankings, making it easier for potential clients to find them.

Additionally, harnessing the power of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is crucial to building brand awareness and engaging with the target audience. By sharing valuable content, responding to inquiries, and showcasing completed project photos, roofers can establish trust and credibility among potential customers. Overall, establishing an online presence through effective internet marketing tactics is essential for roofers looking to expand their reach and attract a steady stream of qualified leads.

Creating a Website


Creating a Website

Creating a custom website for roofers is crucial for establishing a strong online presence and attracting potential customers. While template-based designs may seem like an easy and cost-effective option, they often come with drawbacks. A professional website offers significant advantages in terms of search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience.

Prebuilt templates and those designed with a “roofer’s” theme may limit the ability to fully optimize the website for SEO, which can greatly impact search rankings. In addition to SEO, a professional website can increase its UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) values. With a custom website, you have the flexibility to include relevant keywords and meta tags and optimize the site structure, helping it rank higher on search engine result pages.

You would have the flexibility to employ strategies such as clear and intuitive navigation, responsive design, consistent branding, user-friendly forms, and specific personalization to help users feel more connected with the website.

This improved user experience often leads to longer visit durations, increased engagement, and a higher likelihood of converting potential clients into actual customers.

Offering premium website design and development services, our team offers not only the creation of custom websites but also website analysis and improvement. We believe in continuously analyzing and enhancing existing websites to ensure they are effective in generating roofing leads. With our expertise in custom website design and our dedication to driving results, we can help you create a powerful online presence that attracts qualified leads and boosts your roofing business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

In order to enhance the online presence of roofing companies and attract potential customers, implementing effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies is crucial.

One of the key aspects of SEO is coding the website in a way that makes it easy for search engines to index it. This involves structuring the website’s code properly and including relevant meta tags and keyword-rich content. By optimizing the website’s code, search engines can better understand the content and purpose of the site, which helps improve its search rankings.

Creating unique and relevant content is another important SEO strategy. By providing valuable and informative content, roofing companies can establish themselves as industry experts and attract potential clients. This can be achieved through blog posts, articles, and other forms of content that address common roofing issues, offer tips and advice, or showcase the company’s expertise.

Promoting the website through authoritative backlinks is another critical SEO strategy. By obtaining backlinks from reputable and relevant websites, search engines consider the website to be more trustworthy and reliable. This can be done by reaching out to industry influencers, participating in guest blogging opportunities, or submitting the website to relevant online directories.

To successfully implement an SEO campaign for roofing companies, it is important to conduct keyword research, optimize on-page elements, and regularly analyze and adjust the strategies based on performance. By implementing these SEO strategies, roofing companies can improve their online visibility, attract more qualified leads, and ultimately grow their business.

Social Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms

After establishing a strong online presence, it is important to further enhance it. This is important for roofing businesses because it allows them to reach a wider audience, generate more leads, and increase brand recognition. One effective way to enhance your online presence is by utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Google My Business posts.

Social media platforms provide a unique opportunity to connect with potential customers and showcase the services and expertise of your roofing company. By being active and engaging on these platforms, you can establish credibility and build relationships with your target audience.

Instagram for Roofers

Instagram, with its visual-centric format, allows you to showcase your roofing projects and highlight your skills. By posting high-quality images and videos of completed jobs, you can grab the attention of potential customers and generate leads.


Facebook for RoofersSimilarly, Facebook provides a platform for sharing company updates, customer testimonials, and informative content. This helps build trust and engagement with your audience. Additionally, Facebook offers paid advertising options to reach a wider audience and target individuals who may be in need of roofing services.


Google for RoofersGoogle My Business posts are another powerful tool for improving your online presence. With this feature, you can create short posts that appear alongside your business listing in Google search results. This allows you to share timely information, promote special offers, and further increase your visibility to potential customers.

By utilizing these social media platforms, you can expand your reach, engage with potential customers, and ultimately drive leads for your roofing business. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of social media and grow your online presence.

Google Maps and Google My Business

RoofersGoogle Maps and Google My Business

When it comes to establishing a strong local online presence, Google Maps and Google My Business are essential tools for roofers. Google Maps is a widely used navigation app that helps potential customers find local businesses, while Google My Business is a free platform that allows businesses to manage their online presence on Google.

By creating a Google My Business account and optimizing the profile, roofers can improve their visibility in local search results. This means that when someone searches for roofing services in their area, for example: “Best Roofers in Toronto”, or “Roofers near me”, their business has a better chance of appearing on the front page of Google Maps. This increased visibility can lead to more leads and potential customers.

Optimizing the Google My Business profile involves adding accurate contact information, business hours, and a description of the services offered. It’s also important to encourage customers to leave reviews, as positive reviews can boost the visibility of the business in local search results.

Positive Reviews and Track Record

Positive Reviews and Track Record

Positive reviews and a strong track record play a crucial role in internet marketing for roofers. These factors can establish social proof and build trust with potential clients.

This social proof can give potential clients confidence in your ability to meet their roofing needs. To showcase positive reviews, it’s important to display your Google star ratings prominently on your website and other online platforms. These star ratings indicate the average satisfaction level of your customers and can have a significant impact on potential clients’ decision-making processes.

Another effective way to highlight your track record is by featuring customer satisfaction awards and distinctions. These accolades further reinforce your positive reputation and demonstrate your commitment to delivering top-notch roofing services.


Having positive reviews and a strong track record is essential for successful internet marketing in the roofing industry. These elements establish social proof, build trust with potential clients, and set you apart from the competition. Make sure to leverage your positive reviews and track record to showcase your expertise and attract qualified leads.

Digital Advertising and Paid Ads


Digital Advertising and Paid Ads

Digital advertising and paid ads can provide significant benefits for roofing companies. These strategies allow roofers to reach their target audience effectively and generate immediate leads. PPC ads, or pay-per-click ads, are a common form of digital advertising that can yield immediate results. By bidding on relevant keywords and displaying ads on search engine results pages, roofing companies can connect with potential customers who are actively searching for their services.

However, it’s important to note that PPC ads may not be the most effective long-term strategy for branding. While they can generate leads quickly, they may not contribute to building brand awareness or loyalty. This is where remarketing comes in. Remarketing is a technique that allows roofing companies to target users who have already shown an interest in their services. By displaying ads to these users across different websites and platforms, roofing companies can stay top of mind and increase the likelihood of conversion.

When it comes to social media platforms, it’s important for roofing companies to focus on community building and showcasing their marketing materials. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn provide opportunities for roofers to engage with potential customers, share valuable content, and establish themselves as experts in the industry.

Finally, Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an essential tool for connecting with online shoppers. By leveraging the power of Google’s extensive reach and targeting capabilities, roofing companies can accurately reach their intended audience and drive relevant traffic to their website.


Valuable Content

In the roofing industry, creating valuable content for internet marketing is crucial in establishing expertise and attracting potential customers. Valuable content refers to informative and helpful materials that provide relevant information and guidance to potential clients.

By producing valuable content, roofers can position themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy experts in their field. This expertise helps build credibility and establish your company as a leader in the roofing industry. When potential customers see that you are knowledgeable and experienced, they are more likely to choose your services over those of your competitors.

There are various types of valuable content that roofers can create to engage and educate potential customers. How-to guides on topics like roofing maintenance and repair can provide valuable insights and establish your company as a reliable source of information. Additionally, informative articles and blog posts can address common roofing issues and concerns, offering solutions and expert advice.

By consistently creating and sharing valuable content, roofers can not only attract potential customers through search engine optimization (SEO) strategies but also cultivate a loyal following on social media platforms. This type of content marketing helps drive organic traffic to your website and increases the chances of converting these visitors into actual customers.

In the competitive world of roofing, providing valuable content is an essential component of your digital marketing strategy. It allows you to showcase your expertise, attract potential customers, and differentiate your roofing company from others in the industry.

Google Local Ads

Google Local Ads can be a valuable addition to a roofer’s marketing plan, providing several benefits that can help them generate more leads and grow their business. Some of the key advantages include increased visibility in search results, targeted advertising to specific locations, cost-effective pay-per-call pricing, enhanced online presence, detailed performance tracking, and mobile-friendly advertising. These benefits can help roofers generate more leads, grow their customer base, and ultimately grow their business.

The most important advantages include:

Increased visibility in search results: Google Local Ads appear at the top of search results, above organic listings. This gives roofers a prime position to capture the attention of potential customers who are actively searching for roofing services in their area. With increased visibility, roofers can attract more clicks and potentially generate more leads.


Cost-effective pay-per-call pricing: Google Local Ads operate on a pay-per-call (PPC) pricing model, which means that roofers only pay when someone calls them or responds to an SMS text. This makes it a cost-effective advertising option, as roofers only pay for actual engagement with their ads. Additionally, roofers can set a budget and control their ad spend, ensuring they stay within their desired marketing budget.


Targeted advertising to specific locations: Google Local Ads allows roofers to target their ads to specific locations. This means that roofers can reach potential customers in their service area and avoid wasting advertising budgets on users outside of their target market. By targeting specific locations, roofers can maximize the effectiveness of their ads and increase their chances of generating qualified leads.


Mobile-friendly advertising: With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is crucial for roofers to have mobile-friendly advertising. Google Local Ads are designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring that they display correctly on various screen sizes and devices. This enables roofers to reach potential customers who are searching for roofing services on their smartphones or tablets, further expanding their reach and potential customer base.

By leveraging these key advantages, roofers can effectively utilize Google Local Ads to generate more leads, attract new customers, and grow their business. It is important for roofers to develop a well-rounded marketing plan that includes various strategies, and incorporating Google Local Ads can be a valuable component in their overall marketing efforts.

Email and Newsletter Campaigns


Email and Newsletter Campaigns

Email and newsletter campaigns are powerful marketing strategies that can greatly benefit roofers. By utilizing these strategies, roofers can nurture leads and generate repeat business.

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is the ability to send personalized and custom emails to potential and existing customers. By addressing recipients by their names and tailoring the content to their specific needs and preferences, roofers can create a more personalized and engaging experience. This personal touch helps to build trust and loyalty, increasing the likelihood of conversion and repeat business.

Delivering valuable content through email campaigns is crucial. By providing informative articles, helpful tips, and updates about the roofing industry, roofers can position themselves as experts and valuable resources in the eyes of their audience. This not only engages the readers but also motivates them to choose the roofer’s services when they are in need. In addition, including special offers, promotions, and discounts exclusive to email subscribers can incentivize customers to choose your roofing services over competitors.

Overall, email and newsletter campaigns allow roofers to stay top of mind with their audience, nurture leads, generate repeat business, and establish themselves as industry experts. By delivering personalized content and valuable offers, roofers can effectively engage their audience and drive them towards choosing their services.

Email and newsletter campaigns are powerful marketing strategies that can greatly benefit roofers. By utilizing these strategies, roofers can nurture leads and generate repeat business.

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is the ability to send personalized and custom emails to potential and existing customers. By addressing recipients by their names and tailoring the content to their specific needs and preferences, roofers can create a more personalized and engaging experience. This personal touch helps to build trust and loyalty, increasing the likelihood of conversion and repeat business.

Delivering valuable content through email campaigns is crucial. By providing informative articles, helpful tips, and updates about the roofing industry, roofers can position themselves as experts and valuable resources in the eyes of their audience. This not only engages the readers but also motivates them to choose the roofer’s services when they are in need. In addition, including special offers, promotions, and discounts exclusive to email subscribers can incentivize customers to choose your roofing services over competitors.

Overall, email and newsletter campaigns allow roofers to stay top of mind with their audience, nurture leads, generate repeat business, and establish themselves as industry experts. By delivering personalized content and valuable offers, roofers can effectively engage their audience and drive them towards choosing their services.

Content Marketing and Blogging


Content Marketing and Blogging

Content marketing and blogging are essential for roofers looking to establish and maintain an online presence. By consistently publishing informative and valuable articles on topics related to roofing, roofers can attract potential customers and generate leads.

A well-executed content marketing strategy can position roofers as industry experts and valuable resources for homeowners in need of roofing services. By creating how-to guides, maintenance tips, and reactive maintenance recommendations, roofers can address common roofing issues and provide valuable solutions. This not only engages the readers but also establishes trust and credibility.

Blogging allows roofers to showcase their knowledge, expertise, and track record. By regularly sharing valuable content, roofers can attract potential customers who are actively searching for information about roofing services. This positions the roofing company as a reliable source and increases the likelihood of conversion when those potential customers are in need of roofing services.

Additionally, having a strong online presence through content marketing and blogging helps improve search engine rankings. By incorporating relevant keywords and optimizing content for search engines, roofers can increase their visibility in online searches and attract more potential clients.

Analyzing Results and Adjustments


Analyzing Results and Adjustments

Analyzing Results and making necessary adjustments is a crucial step in internet marketing for roofers. Here are the key steps to effectively measuring progress, monitoring leads, and making necessary adjustments based on data and analytics.

Measuring Progress: Track and analyze key metrics to evaluate the success of your internet marketing efforts. This includes monitoring website traffic, conversion rates, keyword rankings, and social media engagement. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to gather data and gain insights into the performance of your digital marketing strategies.

Monitoring Leads: Keep a close eye on the leads generated through your internet marketing campaigns. Implement lead tracking systems to capture and analyze information about potential customers, such as their source, demographics, and behaviour. This will help you identify which marketing channels are driving the most qualified leads.

Analyzing Data and Analytics: Dive into the data and analytics collected to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Analyze website and social media performance, content engagement, and conversion funnels to identify bottlenecks or areas of success. Look for opportunities to optimize your strategies and improve your online presence.

Making Necessary Adjustments: Based on the insights gained from analyzing data, make necessary adjustments to your internet marketing strategies. This could involve tweaking your content strategy, optimizing your website for better search engine rankings, adjusting your social media campaigns, or refining your email marketing efforts. Continuously test and evaluate the results of these adjustments to ensure they are driving positive outcomes.

By consistently analyzing results and making data-driven adjustments, roofers can optimize their internet marketing strategies to generate more leads and achieve better results. This iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with business goals.

Connect with a roofer marketing expert


What to look for in a roofing services marketing company

Finding a roofing services marketing company can be challenging, as selecting the appropriate one is crucial for the success of your business.

Below is a checklist of important considerations and questions to ask when evaluating or searching for the right marketing agency for your roofing business:

  1. What are the key marketing areas that can contribute to the growth of my business?
    It is essential to find an agency that conducts a situational discovery of your business before providing a precise answer to this question. Each roofing business has unique challenges, and understanding them is crucial for formulating an effective digital marketing strategy.

For example, at Zigma, we have helped clients improve brand visibility and increase website traffic by over 70% within two months. Note that your results may vary as the level of increased website traffic possible depends on your budget and your target cost per acquisition (CPA). It is usually the marketing plan that lays out the details and determines the potential benefit.

  1. How long does it typically take to see a return on investment (ROI)?
    Since every business is different, it is important to get a range of timelines based on your specific objectives and goals. A reliable agency should be able to provide insights into the expected timeframe for achieving ROI. At Zigma, for instance, we consistently deliver an ROI of over 150% within two months based on marketing spend.
  1. Will we have a dedicated account manager who will support us throughout the project?
    Having a dedicated account manager is crucial for effective project implementation and delivery. It is essential to work with a partner who not only drives performance but also helps you and your team uncover hidden efficiencies within your business. Make sure to inquire about the availability of a dedicated account manager when considering an agency.
  1. What sets your marketing agency apart from others in the industry?
    Look for an agency that has a strong track record of providing services such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and website integration. A marketing agency that excels in these areas can be an excellent fit for your roofing business.
  1. How do your current clients evaluate the results you deliver?
    When evaluating potential marketing agencies, it is important to find a partner with extensive experience. Look for agencies that are willing to be judged based on their ability to deliver monthly leads that convert into new customers. Assessing their success with current clients can provide valuable insights into their effectiveness.

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Take your business to new heights

Zigma is a full-service Internet marketing company helping businesses in Roofing contractor in creating and implementing effective digital marketing campaigns. We work hand-in-hand with our clients to create tailored marketing strategies that convert.

Working in interdisciplinary industries in the world means our team of strategists and designers are constantly learning and adapting to market trends. We're proud to always be at the forefront of what's new and cutting edge in the Roofing contractor industry, so you can reap the rewards too.

Zigma Internet Marketing offers a variety of Internet marketing services in Roofing contractor market to help you to build your online presence helps attract more potential clients.

Website Optimization

We view web design, development and optimization as interconnected components of a successful website.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Roofing contractor

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for Roofing contractor

Search Engine Marketing puts your website in front of consumers at the moment in time they are searching for your products and services.

Search Engine Optimization SEO Roofing contractor

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Roofing contractor

The marketing team at Zigma will dedicate ourselves to showing you that we’re the right choice for your business by using our technical knowledge and industry experience to transform your website.

Content Writing Marketing Roofing contractor

Content Writing Marketing for Roofing contractor

Zigma’s team includes professional writers with a wealth of experience writing many different types of content for Business-to-business (B2B) audiences

Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Services

Customize your email marketing topics to engage your target clients, and meet specific business goals.

Review funnel enhancement

Review Funnel Enhancement

Collect your reviews through the Google Platform and show them to your clients in the knowledge panel

Web Programming & Development

Web Programming & Development

When it comes to finding the right website developer, you need to know what you’re looking for.

Meet the WCAG Level AA

Complying with the WCAG Level AA

We will support our clients to create websites that conform to the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements.

Web Design & Development for Roofing contractor

Web Design & Development for Roofing contractor

At Zigma, we create websites to engage our client’s target market. This strategy gives our clients the opportunity to convert leads into customers.

Custom Web Designs for Roofing contractor

Custom Web Designs for Roofing contractor

Having a visually appealing website is not enough if you want to generate leads to your website.

Social Media Optimization Roofing contractor

Social Media Optimization for Roofing contractor

It is also important to remember that SMO refers to organic (unpaid) marketing strategies, and typically complements the channels and accounts a company has already established.

Lead clients to your business with proven Internet marketing strategies

We Provide Internet Advertising Services for Roofing contractor

With the ever-changing landscape of the digital world, it's more important than ever to have a team of experts who are always current on consumer tendencies, new technologies, and best practices. That's why we're always growing and evolving so we can deliver the best for our clients.

Whether you’re looking for copywriting services, digital marketing, web design and content creation, or you simply need help to navigate Google Ads… for Roofing contractor business, Zigma is your digital consultant.

Content Marketing Services for Roofing contractor

Our team is skilled in developing converting content and copy for your website, blog, or email campaigns, focusing on bringing new leads to your company.

Digital Marketing Services for the Roofing contractor Industry

Whether it’s Website Optimization and Design, Search Engine Optimization and Marketing, or Google Ads Services, our team will put together a tailored solution to tackle all of your needs in Roofing contractor market.

Most Advanced Search Engine Optimization and Google Ads Roofing contractor Strategies for Roofing contractor

Our marketing team is dedicated to proving to our customers why we are right for the job. We know Search Engine Optimization like no other, and we will set up converting Google Ads to help people find you on the internet.

It's your journey

Zigma is a digital marketing agency in Toronto, Canada that offers a variety of solutions to help brands grow. From content marketing strategies to pay-per-click advertising, we work with clients to achieve their specific goals

Roofing contractor Industry knowledge is our superpower

We know how to approach every industry differently and tailor our strategies accordingly. Our team of experts has been through it all, so whether you're a startup or an established business, we'll help you get results. Available in your area.