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Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing as an effective Internet Marketing strategy

Email marketing involves using email as a digital marketing tool to advertise your business. Email marketing services can be used to inform customers of new services or changes to your company, provide special offers, promote upcoming events and encourage customer loyalty. You can customize your email marketing topics to engage your target clients, and meet specific business goals.

Developing an email marketing strategy appeals to business owners in many industries because it is a direct, cost effective method of marketing. It’s a lot like sending snail mail (to your inbox), but you avoid the cost of a stamp. Email marketing is also environmentally responsible because it is paperless.

Some clients struggle to create email messages for their companies; if you’re unsure what will resonate and inspire action from your clients, we can provide engaging email marketing topics customized to your industry, target demographic and business goals.

With all of the advances in technology and marketing tactics, our clients often ask us how effective email marketing is versus other digital marketing services. Most of the B2Bs Internet marketing agencies use email marketing in North America. Companies across North America would not invest time or money in email marketing services unless they were proven to be effective in acquiring or retaining customers!

Why is Email Marketing Important for Your Business?

It’s probably not a surprise to you, but the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) reported that nearly 90% of Canadians use the Internet, and 89% of Internet users check their email accounts at least once per day.

If your company does not use or have an email marketing strategy yet, you’re missing out on potential leads and clients! Effective email marketing services can help you reach a broader audience and strengthen your relationship with your current customers.

Two other benefits of email marketing are that you can track how well your email marketing content is performing, and you are likely to achieve a high ROI. The team at Zigma Internet Marketing stays current on marketing trends and business tools. We will suggest the best email marketing software option to ensure you know how many people are opening your emails, who is using the email message to get to your website (click through rate), buying products and more. An added benefit is that your ROI for email marketing services will be high because you probably already have clients who have given you permission to send them email for marketing content purposes.

Where is the Best Place to Start Email Marketing?

If you’re ready to create an email marketing strategy for your business, we’re here to help! Some common questions clients ask when they’re ready to get started are:

  • Where are email marketing services available near me, and will I have to meet with you regularly?
  • What are some engaging email marketing topics for my business?
  • How can I reach my target market?
  • What are the email marketing rules in Canada?

The team at Zigma has the answers to these questions (and more). The number of meetings we require with a client depends on their industry, marketing goals and availability. We will work together to understand what makes your business unique, and our professional writers will craft the messages you want to convey.

Zigma is located in the Greater Toronto Area; we have a wealth of experience in email marketing for B2B and B2C companies ready to add email marketing to their marketing strategy.

Which Email Marketing Software is the Best Choice for my Business?

There are a lot of email marketing software choices to choose from because email marketing is an extremely popular marketing tactic. According to the CIRA, 55% of Canadians shop online regularly, so it is very easy to see how email marketing services can quickly result in a high ROI.

MailChimp is a popular email marketing software because it is user-friendly. It is one of our email marketing software options we offer, but we also recommend and use Sendgrid, Campaign Monitor and Constant Contact. Sendgrid has a more challenging interface than Mailchimp for most users, but it has excellent tracking options and capabilities such as Email marketing workflows and SMTP API and many more.

The team at Zigma uses all of these options proficiently, and we will recommend the best email marketing software for you and your business based on your needs and requirements.

Are you ready to start your email marketing campaign? Contact us for a free consultation today! 

Lead clients to your business with proven Internet marketing strategies.