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Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms around. Businesses everywhere have signed up to use the platform, and most have been satisfied with the service they have received. By the same token, many users have reported having issues with several aspects of the service. The team at Zigma Internet Marketing is well versed in the somewhat limited functionality of Shopify.
Let’s dive into the world of Shopify to uncover and address some of the most common problems that users may encounter. While Shopify has gained popularity as an e-commerce platform, it is not without its flaws. From technical glitches to limited customization options, users often find themselves struggling to overcome these hurdles.

There Are Solutions!

Fortunately, there is a solution. Zigma Internet Marketing, with its expertise and experience, can help address these issues by working behind the scenes of your Shopify store. Additionally, we can explore the possibility of moving your business to a more professional Customer Management System (CMS) that better aligns with your needs.
In this blog, we will explore some of the prevalent issues that Shopify users face and provide insights on how they can be resolved. Whether you are struggling with website speed, SEO optimization, or a lack of control over your store’s appearance, we have you covered.

Scaling Up and Expanding Your E-Commerce Business

By joining us on this journey, you will gain a deeper understanding of the problems associated with Shopify and how Zigma Internet Marketing can assist you in overcoming them. Our aim is to empower businesses to thrive in the digital landscape by providing tailored solutions that meet their unique requirements.

So, if you are ready to unlock the full potential of your online store, we invite you to read further. Discover the challenges that lie ahead and grasp a glimpse of the strategies that can revolutionize your Shopify experience. Let’s uncover the solutions that await you.

The Problems With Shopify

The Specific Challenges

Limited customization options:

With Shopify’s predefined templates and limited design flexibility, users may find it too hard to customize their ecommerce sites.

The problem of limited customization options in Shopify’s predefined templates can be addressed in the following ways:

        • Utilize Shopify’s theme customization options: While the predefined templates may have limited flexibility, Shopify does offer some customization options within these templates. Zigma can explore and make the most of these options to further personalize the website.
        • Leverage third-party apps and integrations: Shopify has a vast ecosystem of third-party apps and integrations that can enhance the website’s functionality and customization options. Zigma can explore these options to add features and elements that are not available in the default templates.
        • Customize the theme code: Shopify allows developers to access and modify the theme code, offering more flexibility in design customization. Zigma can leverage their skills to make advanced customizations and create a unique website layout.
        • Develop custom themes: Custom themes can be created from scratch or existing ones modified to meet the specific design requirements of the e-commerce site. This approach provides complete control over the website’s design and layout.
        • Utilize Shopify’s Liquid templating language: Shopify’s Liquid templating language allows developers to manipulate and customize the appearance and functionality of the website. Zigma can leverage this language to create custom sections, templates, and dynamic content.

Zigma’s experts have the tools to solve any Shopify problem. For instance, the workflow for a website creation project could look like this: Once our clients like the initial design we create, the development team will work on turning that design into a functional and responsive website. This means that there are no restrictions or limitations when it comes to translating the design into the final website.

Overall, Zigma Internet Marketing can find ways to address the limited customization options in Shopify by leveraging the available options, utilizing third-party integrations, and utilizing their skills to customize the website or create a new one.

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The Problems With Shopify

High transaction fees:

Shopify charges transaction fees on top of payment processing fees, which can significantly impact the profitability of small businesses and startups. High transaction fees can be a substantial burden for small businesses and startups, especially those operating on limited budgets. Shopify, being one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, charges transaction fees on top of payment processing fees, resulting in additional costs that can eat into their profits.

Furthermore, if the business owner increases the transaction fees to compensate for this, then customers may be discouraged from making purchases. When customers see additional fees added to their total, they may hesitate or abandon their carts altogether. This can lead to lost sales and revenue for small businesses and startups, further impacting their profitability.

It is worth noting that while Shopify offers various pricing plans and options to mitigate transaction fees, these options often come at an additional cost. Small businesses and startups may already be operating on tight budgets, and paying extra to reduce or eliminate transaction fees may not be a feasible solution for them.

There are a few solutions that can be adopted to mitigate the impact of the high transaction fees charged by Shopify:

      • Explore alternative e-commerce platforms: Conduct research and identify other e-commerce platforms that offer competitive pricing and lower transaction fees. This could involve migrating the business to a different platform that better suits the needs and budget of small businesses and startups.
      • Optimize marketing strategies: Focus on implementing effective marketing strategies to drive more traffic and increase conversions on the online store. By optimizing conversion rates, the impact of transaction fees can be minimized as more sales will be generated from the same number of visitors.
      • Diversify payment options: Offer a variety of payment options to customers, including digital wallets or alternative payment gateways that may have lower transaction fees. By diversifying payment options, businesses can provide customers with choices while potentially reducing the impact of high fees. In addition to Shopify, this option is available on other platforms as well.
      • Optimize SEO and organic traffic: Focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to improve organic rankings and attract more free traffic to the online store. By reducing their dependence on paid advertising, businesses can allocate more resources to cover transaction fees.
The Problems With Shopify

Lack of advanced SEO features:

While Shopify provides basic SEO capabilities, users often face limitations when it comes to implementing advanced SEO strategies to improve their site’s visibility and search engine rankings.

The solution to the lack of advanced SEO features in Shopify can be approached in the following ways:

      • Customization: Our team can develop custom SEO solutions tailored to the specific needs of the website. This can include implementing advanced on-page optimization techniques, structured data markup, advanced keyword targeting, and technical SEO improvements.
      • Integration: Zigma can integrate third-party SEO tools and plugins with the Shopify platform to enhance its SEO capabilities. These tools can provide features like advanced keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink monitoring, and site auditing, which can help improve the site’s visibility and rankings.
      • Ongoing SEO Support: Zigma can provide ongoing SEO support to continuously optimize the website and keep up with the ever-changing search engine algorithms. This can involve regular SEO audits, keyword monitoring, content optimization, and link building strategies.

Overall, the solution involves a combination of customization, integration, and ongoing support, to address the limitations of Shopify’s basic SEO capabilities and implement advanced SEO strategies effectively.

The Problems With Shopify

Limited product variations:

Users frequently encounter difficulties when managing products with multiple variations (e.g., different sizes, colours, etc.), as Shopify’s interface lacks a comprehensive solution for handling complex inventories.

The solution to the problem of managing products with multiple variations in Shopify’s interface, which lacks a comprehensive solution for complex inventories, could be the following:

      • Customization: Develop a custom solution or app that integrates with Shopify to handle complex inventories. This could include a user-friendly interface that allows easy management of product variations, such as sizes, colours, and other attributes. The app could provide a comprehensive dashboard for inventory management, allowing users to easily add, edit, and track variations.
      • Automation: Implement automation tools that streamline the inventory management process. This could include automatic syncing of inventory levels across different variations, real-time tracking of stock availability, and automated notifications for low stock or out-of-stock items. Automation can help reduce manual errors and save time for users.
      • Advanced filtering and search options: Enhance the product search and filtering functionality within Shopify’s interface. This could involve developing advanced filters to allow users to quickly find specific variations based on attributes like size, colour, price range, or availability. Improved search capabilities can improve the user experience and ease the management of complex inventories.
      • Integration with third-party inventory management systems: Integrate Shopify with external inventory management systems that specialize in handling complex inventories. This allows users to leverage more advanced features, such as demand forecasting, order management, and multi-channel inventory syncing. Seamless integration between Shopify and third-party systems ensures a comprehensive solution for managing product variations.

Overall, the solution involves customizing and enhancing Shopify’s capabilities, integrating with external systems, and providing adequate training and support to empower users with a comprehensive solution for managing complex inventories.

The Problems With Shopify

Difficulty in managing large inventories:

Shopify’s backend interface can become cumbersome for users with extensive inventories, resulting in difficulties when managing product data, descriptions, and inventory levels.

The solution to this problem could involve implementing the following measures:

      • Customized Backend Interface: Develop a customized backend interface specifically tailored to handle large inventories. This interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and allow for efficient management of product data, descriptions, and inventory levels. It should include advanced search and filter options to easily locate and update specific products.
      • Bulk Editing and Importing: Implement features that enable bulk editing and importing of product data. This will save time and effort, allowing users to update multiple products simultaneously or import data from external sources, such as spreadsheets or databases.
      • Automation and Integration: Integrate the backend interface with automation tools and third-party software to streamline inventory management processes. For example, automated stock synchronization with suppliers or warehouses can ensure accurate inventory levels without manual intervention.
      • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Provide comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities within the backend interface. This will allow users to gain insights into product performance, sales trends, and inventory turnover, facilitating informed decision-making.
      • Scalability and Performance Optimization: Ensure that the backend interface can handle large inventories without compromising performance. Optimize the system to handle increased data volume efficiently, minimizing latency and response times.

Overall, by addressing these aspects, we can provide an effective solution to the difficulties faced by users in managing large inventories within Shopify’s backend interface.

The Problems With Shopify

Ongoing app costs:

While Shopify’s app marketplace provides various extensions and integrations, many of these apps come with additional costs, and relying heavily on them can increase overall expenses for users.

The solution to the ongoing app cost problem could be to prioritize and carefully select the necessary apps for a Shopify store. This involves thoroughly researching and evaluating the requirements of the business and choosing apps that provide the most value for the investment.

Additionally, Zigma can explore alternatives to paid apps by considering alternatives that may fulfill the same functions. They can also leverage their technical expertise to customize and develop in-house solutions tailored to the specific needs of the business, reducing reliance on third-party apps.

Regular monitoring and reassessment of the app ecosystem is crucial to identifying any redundant or underutilized apps and eliminating them to minimize ongoing costs. By constantly optimizing app usage and ensuring efficient utilization, the agency and developer can help the business maintain a lean and cost-effective app ecosystem.

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Your Bottom Line

In conclusion, while Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform, it is not without its problems. Users often face technical glitches and limited customization options, which can hinder their online store’s performance and growth. However, there is a solution.

Zigma Internet Marketing offers expertise and experience to address these issues and improve your Shopify experience. We can work behind the scenes in your store and explore the possibility of moving to a more professional Customer Management System that better suits your needs.

By partnering with us, you can overcome the challenges associated with Shopify and unlock the full potential of your online store. So, if you’re ready to revolutionize your Shopify experience, contact us and discover the tailored solutions that await you.